Urban Futures Fiel Trip
Regenerative Experience
“Anyone who develops deep knowledge of other species by living alongside them for years realizes something both obvious and essential:
we are not the only lives that matter.”
— Melanie Challenger
Into the Wild
This project is in collaboration with the Liebling Haus, the Negev School of Architecture, and the Goethe Institute Tel Aviv.
Format:immersive .sdsldkfmsldkf
Location: Tel Aviv, Sinai Desert
F I E L D T R I P ///
Field report by Amrei Andrasch
24h solo in the wilderness. Alone and yet connected.
For a long time I have been trying to combine my longing for nature, wilderness and wildlife with my everyday life in the big city between Berlin and Bavaria. I spent the turn of the year on the trail of bison in the Romanian wilderness (more about that another time), looking for places in nature to retreat, to connect with nature, to learn about nature, people and the common ecosystem, to understand where my and our place is to thrive towards regenerative futures.
In the middle of a 3 month Be(e)-School, with reduced work, conscious living, time to sort out the thoughts what is really important, the call to the wilderness, a 24h solo by Miriam Wolf and Jasmin Limpächer from Alpensalon came just in time.
Nature as your coach.
"Nature is full of wisdom about the laws of change, about the power of life as well as its vulnerability. As part of it, we carry this knowledge within us. That's why, since time immemorial, people have gone into nature to find answers to important questions of life in an encounter with themselves."
4 days in the beautiful, wild forests of Windach near the Ammersee, with a group of 5 other brave people who wanted to face a challenge, wonderfully accompanied and prepared by Miriam and Jasmin.
The focus was the 24h solo. Sent at dawn through the threshold circle into the forest with a task and our own thoughts and fears. Perfect setting: continuous rain with small flashes of sun, 5 degrees, wild wind, no phone only a whistle for emergencies, a tarp, sleeping bag, sleeping mat and fasting. Circumstances that do not make it easy to spend day and night alone in the forest. Circumstances that fit very well into our wild time.
Despite the best preparation, there was fear! Fear of uncertainty, of darkness, of cold, of wetness, of helplessness in the face of complexity.
Hardly arrived at my place, a wild biotope on the Windach, surrounded by wild beaver dams, dense scrub and dense forest - a moment of overwhelming, rain, sunshine, strong wind, absolute silence, darkness, cold, wetness, all feelings at once - what happens to our world, what happens to our society, natural disasters, wars, polikries - an outer and inner collapse.
What is needed in this time and where is our place for it?
The wilderness and silence gave a clear answer: the connection to ourselves, to other people, to the plants, to the animals, to our environment. Creating and holding spaces that connect one with oneself, with others and with nature. "Islands of Sanity", places that give strength to create and hold transformative spaces for others in turbulent times.
Our society needs more of these safe experiential spaces to understand how we should live and work, how each and everyone can contribute to a regenerative future with their business, with their offerings, large and small.
Together with Knoweaux and impact oriented partners we are in the process of creating such places in Berlin and the surrounding area. Our focus is on the connection of our inner and outer wilderness. An understanding of self and environment that enables a respectful and appreciative approach to the environment. The Regenerative TIME LAB is such a place to explore, experience and experiment. Transformative Experience Design, learning through experience, reflection and integration our approach.
The wilderness with its ruggedness, beauty and clarity is a valuable place to reconnect as part of nature and to connect with one's inner and outer wild home. Always with the approach to leave the places with respect and always a little better than found.
See you out in nature!
#transformativesexperincedesign #naturecoaching #wilderness #rituals #nature #regeneration #connectedness #regenerativetimelab